Upwork Case Study: The Power of Keyword Changes in Boosting Visibility 20➡️31

Case Study about Boosting Visibility on Upwork

Upwork Case Study: The Power of Keyword Changes in Boosting Visibility 20➡️31
Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

Let's meet Max and Eldar - founders of two design Agencies on Upwork.

These guys are very fun and... very lazy about making any changes to their Upwork profiles. We have weekly calls, and every time I give them homework, but... they definitely need a professional salesperson to help them every day. Are you the one? Write to dcoast.corp@gmail.com.

So, there were some problems with the guys' main account, and we were talking about the research needed and how to do it. You can also read about it here.

Every time I came to our call, I kept having the same conversation about the need for keywords. At the end of the day, I started thinking that they were coming to our calls for a different kind of BDSM (if you know what I mean).

<3 However, it was an amazing historical moment - two weeks ago when I wrote them finally "Great job this week!" (on a screenshot in Ukrainian)

They did research and Max changed his profile. Finally!

Here are the two-weeks results



Just a two-week difference.

The tool on the screen is Gigradar. And I am just reminding you that this month new users can ask Gigradar Salespeople for free consulting with Tamara (me) to receive the same results or better😄

Here is the link for the demo call with the guys https://bit.ly/gigradar

Have more questions? I am providing paid consulting so you can write me here https://www.linkedin.com/in/tamaralevit/

Also, you can buy me a coffee 😄
