Wake me up when changes end OR AI matching for clients, titles, smart boost
Article about new Upwork changes: smart boost, AI helper, Talent search

Intro: Guys, this mess on Upwork is a temporary situation. I want to start from the moment that sometimes your portfolio disappears, sometimes you see there 5 skills, sometimes 15 skills. Upwork is testing their UI changes. My advice - don't touch it at all until we know more.

🙏Second, please, give a like 👍 to my first podcast interview with an amazing guy Yaroslav Golovach. His company earned more than $10 million on Upwork. Tips are valuable! Big thanks to Gigradar for creating this channel!
Now back to the changes.
- Bidding algorithm change
- Smart boost
- Talent search change
Bidding algorithm change
Right now clients have two scenarios of how their job post will be created - same as previously or with an AI helper.
Usual scenario change - no more skills highlights, only titles match. Hurray to the people who had a lot of invitations without skills and that's why work history without skills mostly.

AI Helper. Right now Upwork helps 50% of clients by matching them with freelancers using AI algorithm. I feel their "AI algorithm" works the same way as just released smart boost feature so just matches with titles. However, it's just my guess. What's new, is that invites are on a separate page and without boost. They did the same as it was in 2022 but with another algorithm.

Smart boost
Smart boost. So boost your profile feature really works. But the problem was that it was boosting you only by sub-category without any match by your tech stack or specialty. That's why PHP dev was receiving Ruby jobs and vice versa. Upwork said it's fixed now and I would say for 10 clicks you will receive around 5 invites and already at least 3 will be relevant. At least, that's the statistic from my clients.

Talent search change
Again. Titles. Titles in a work history now match the requests. The change happened On April, 26th. How do I know? I saw another algorithm work on April, 25th:)
For example one of my clients got a #1 place in a Global search without any filters with the algorithm change. He had many invites in his history and not so many skills from previous exactly job posts (previous February 2024 algorithm).

Also just a reminder: titles match with titles in a talent search. So not only relevant jobs' titles but all titles through the profile matter. If you want to book a consultation - write me on LinkedIn.
One more small thing I've noticed: Unicode is broken for now:) pay attention

Also, I would recommend the podcast with Codemotion Ninjas. It's in Ukrainian but with English subs. Please give us a like 👍
If you have questions or you want to book a consultancy, please contact me on LinkedIn.