Top questions and answers about Upwork from the beginning of 2025 +memes

Top questions and answers about Upwork from the beginning of 2025 +memes

Hello guys! I'll have an interesting interview soon with my friend Alex about Upwork and he asked me a lot of questions already. These are questions that I hear every day, so I'd like to answer them here.

eeeee... FAQ

  1. How cover letter is matching with the Upwork algorithm? Should I copy clients' words?
    - NOHOW, cover letter doesn't match
  2. How often Upwork is changing its algorithm?
    - Sometimes, it's just broken (that's why works other way). However, it's vey usual to change it once for a 3-6 months.
  3. Tamara, I don't know all the skills. It's not true, why should I add all of them to my account?
    - You can skip this step, you just won't match so noone will see your beautiful true account
  1. Should I do a specialized profile if I have only one niche?
    - YES, because of skills and category it gives you. You need to match with your client's job as much as possible.
  2. I don't know which type of agency to run, how to find a niche?
    - You need to analyse amount of jobs VS competition and rates. The full guide is here.
  3. How to find those mythical Enterprise clients?
    - 1.Expert-vetted experts ranks higher for this type of clients, 2. also you can apply for them. For example, GR has this filter. 3. boost, organic growth and also there is a feature to apply for full-time opportunities on Upwork
  4. What do you mean, I should change my profile daily?
    - I mean you need to update your skill, title and url daily (current feb 2025 algo)
  5. How fast could I grow to the first page?
    - Depends on a request. With a very niche one - in a day, with a very popular one, in 1-2 months.
  1. How many bids should I send to get a reply?
    - 10 in average but you need to match with an algorithm and write a good cover letter. In a more popular niche you may need more.
  1. How much could I earn on Upwork per profile?
    - 4-30k/m
