Organic profile growth and paid talent search growth on Upwork. Alpacked case. How right strategy turned to 425 great invites.
Dima is professional Devops. I have only three devops teams and every time it is a challenge to understand Upwork and its' mechanism for this niche. Compare to development and design, there is not so big digital ocean on Upwork (pan!). But we won this fish.
In this article I will tell you
- What to do for the paid profile boost
- Mistakes in organic growth
- NOT to do for the bidding if your niche is not wide
What to do with a paid profile boost
Just use total boost feature and experiment with your title. Boost profile feature has two specifics:
- Use TOTAL as you will be shown only in your specific subcategory+your title
- Experiment with your title. At the time you are boosting, your main goal is to have the very exact keywords in your title+something that subjectively saying what do you want. For example, ONLY SAAS
What to do IF:
a) You don't receive impressions => boost higher
b) You don't receive clicks => do: title change, first 3 lines of description change, avatar change.
c) You don't receive invites => this means something on your profile distracts clients after clicking/ Maybe no relevant jobs or no video.
d) You don't receive relevant invites => Change what do you want in the second part of your tile.
Results with Alpacked with almost all the relevant leads.
Mistakes in organic growth
I already told you how to grow here. And I also told you that if you don't want to do it yourself, you can ask for the help.
But what NOT to do?
One day, Dima came to me saying he made everything like we agreed but he is not growing. I've checked his page and found this
So =>
After that I immidiately saw him at the first page in Ukraine
Next thing that changed is - changing words in description doesn't work anymore.
I already wrote what is important here.
So =>
Next problem - being on Upwork without availability badge.
Availability badge is important in two scenarios: First - it makes you higher than the other freelancer with the same "points" in a talent search.
And second, if client has Available filter, he doesn't see even paid boosts, he sees only available organic guys
So =>
NOT to do for the bidding if your niche is not wide
Again, I already told what to do with bidding to make it wider and not lose jobs here. But what is important to get results like Dima?
Btw, it's a year:)
Do not ignore other categories. Many people are missing or misleading you with the categories chosen. Sometimes even Upwork is showing the wrong one.
Do not ignore people who can make typos. Laravel or Lavral?
Check 100 jobs you would apply for without any keywords and create a search accordingly. That's how you can do it.
If you are doing the same but something is going wrong, my colleague Slava can help you with an analyses (except design teams).
Hurray! These are my new tips to win this Upwork business.