New Bids View Now Includes More Details and a New Algorithm

New algorithm? What to expect. Just a few changes that may be crucial soon.

New Bids View Now Includes More Details and a New Algorithm

Today, new bids view got new details. And here what do I think.

Remember February 2024? Screenshot:

And now (17/10/2024) skills are highlighted again

This week the conversion is jumping back and forth for all of my clients. And I already saw 4 types of bids range this week. Plus Upwork started asking freelancers:

My guess is that skills in previous jobs algorithm are back!
However today after 4 days of calm situation, talent search is broken again

I already see the pattern - it changes every Monday and Thursday. I think they are testing the new talent search every Thursday and then checking the results. Results are not inspiring!

What to say: let's sit for a bit and wait, what they will create next or when it will be stable at least for a few weeks.
