Fun Friday: memes and tricks about Upwork

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Fun Friday: memes and tricks about Upwork

Yesterday, one of my students shared this bug

Kind of a glitch and Upwork is counting everything wrong nowdays.
My example:

Here is a trick of maximising an affect of paid features on Upwork:

Availability badge - sometimes turn it off with the reason: "didn't get enough invites".

Boost profile - same story. Switch off because "didn't get good invites".

Let system boost you organically

Just a reminder that Upwork is very strict of sharing your contact info BEFORE contract is started but you can do whatever after.

> You can always exchange contact information after a contract starts.,Messages%2C%20to%20connect%20and%20interview.

Guys, this badge is real. And don't mix it with the Skills Certification which is not giving you a real boost anywhere.
A few of my clients have received it and got more invites from Enterprise clients after that.

Upwork won't collect your taxes if you are already a VAT payer. However, again and again there is a verification-validation glitch. If you have added a VAT number, write additionally to Upwork to verify it.

Bonus trick. If you are a freelancer plus, change your custom URL. Upwork will re-index your profile.
